About Future Possibilities for Kids

Future Possibilities for Kids (FPK) is a non-profit organization that coaches children to believe in themselves and lead community change. Since 2001, we have delivered innovative and effective coaching-based programs free of cost to children from communities facing barriers across the Greater Toronto Area. We focus on children ages 9-12 and offer them an alternative learning environment that nurtures a growth mindset, possibility thinking, increases resilience and supports their meaningful engagement with local/global issues. Over 6,000 children have become leaders through FPK’s programs. Building kids, youth and adults as Agents of Change is at the core of FPK’s mandate. We see the impact of our leadership program with past participants returning to participate as volunteers and even Board Members.

Our Mission

Coaching children to believe in themselves and lead community change.

Our History

Future Possibilities Canada was launched by Geri and Harry Berholz in 2001 after being inspired by a similar program that was then operating in New York.